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Friday, December 28, 2018

Opinion: End the tyranny of high heel culture, says doctor

It’s a well-established fact that wearing heels increases the risk of serious and painful health issues.

High heels force a woman’s weight forward onto the ball of her foot. As a result, she has to alter her posture to compensate. This has negative impacts on her entire body.

Let’s start with her feet. It can cause anything from mild pain to more serious problems such as Morton’s neuroma and possibly bunions. These conditions aren’t just painful, they usually require medical intervention.

It doesn’t stop there. In her calves, the muscles and tendons are forced to shorten, causing abnormal thickening and shortening of the tendons. This can lead to long-term problems in the ankles and knees.

Heels also force her lower back forward, erasing the normal curves in the spine, leading to back injuries.

Beyond the immediate physical problems, women who have to wear heels are at greater risk for injuries caused by tripping and falling. When a worker is on her feet for hours, carrying heavy items, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.

The diagnosis is simple: it’s irresponsible and dangerous for restaurants to force employees to work in heels.

Alberta has high safety standards for workers in other sectors. Why don’t the same concerns apply to restaurants and retail? We wouldn’t expect a welder to forgo his welding helmet so we could see his beautiful eyes. We wouldn’t expect construction workers to toss their helmets so we can admire their hair. Come to think of it, we wouldn’t expect them to wear heels either.

It comes down to whether we value the health and safety of female employees, particularly when they have physically demanding jobs. Why is the visual effect of a woman in heels more important than her safety and comfort? The answer is obvious. These women are visual props for managers and owners hopeful for longer bar tabs and bigger tips.

But it’s not the owners and managers who will pay with years of pain. It’s young women who may well be afraid of losing tips, of being stuck on less lucrative shifts, or of the possibility that their jobs may be on the line.

Some restaurants have eased their rules in recent years, but that won’t be enough to solve the problem. Even if it’s not part of a dress code, only part of the workplace culture, it’s still a problem.

Some people think it’s attractive. I find it painful to watch. I was recently in a restaurant and was dismayed to see that every single server was wearing high heels. They were constantly on their feet, walking quickly and carrying heavy trays. It’s possible that they all freely chose to wear stilettos, but I think it’s highly unlikely.

I wondered how many of them would wear more comfortable shoes if they weren’t afraid to lose their jobs. I imagine few of them would. Without a legal right to reasonable and comfortable footwear, they don’t have a leg to stand on.

Heel culture is clearly problematic. It’s obviously unhealthy. And even if you’re not concerned about young women in the restaurant industry, it’s a medical issue that costs all Albertan taxpayers their hard-earned money.

As a family doctor, I regularly see patients with chronic foot pain or back pain caused by heels. I refer them to specialists. Some will go under the knife, costings thousands of dollars even without the recovery time.

I sincerely hope our government is able to pass a law that allows women to decide against heels in the workplace. It’s 2018. It’s long overdue.

This isn’t brain surgery. These are feet. We should start paying attention to what they’re telling us.

Monica Skrukwa, BMS, MD, CCFP, is a family physician in Calgary.