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Monday, January 20, 2020

High Heels and How to Wear Them With Style

When not worn correctly, sexy shoes and high heels especially can create both health and image problems.

The first and indeed many would say only thing high heels are designed to do is to make women look attractive feminine and sexy; or attractive and dominant - in the boardroom or the playroom.

Now if you don't have the right heels or don't know how to wear them properly what happens?

First you look anything but alluring - in fact women walking in too high heels just look daft. Period. No matter of it's 2"-3" heels for every day office wear or 5.5" strappy evening shoes; learning how to walk in them before going out in public is a must.

Second, walking badly in heels will, over time, cause you back pain and knee trouble brought on by the constant bad posture you will have. Also heels that are just too high or even right height but badly fitting can cause problems with your feet if worn for too long.

So check list for the perfect heel enjoyment:

Always buy as expensive a pair of heels as you can afford, this does three things: The more expensive heels will be a much better quality of manufacture - very expensive shoes will actually still be hand made - The materials used will be better quality - you simply cannot beat real leather, wood etc. Plastic and other man made materials either do not stretch or give too much, they do not let the foot breath and generally need to be avoided if at all possible. - Fashion: Put simply the more expensive the heels the better they will have been designed from the visual aesthetic point of view - they will be designed to look good on or off your feet and to position your body in such a way as to make you look like a million dollars.

Make sure you buy the right size heels: Simple but you be amazed how many women will buy the incorrect size either through ignorance or because the shop did not have the right size in the style wanted. This is false economy. Wrong fit to a heel or sandal spells disaster for the long term wearing of the show. Blisters, bunions and general foot pain after only a few hours wear will be the result.

Break new heels in. Especially important with closed heel and closed toe styles. Leather becomes more supple and stretches a little to perfectly fit the contours of your foot - wear the heels enough for this to happen and for you to get used to their feel before venturing out.

So there you have it, buy good quality heels, ensure they fit correctly and practice wearing them before going out for that evening dinner date.

Have fun.

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