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Monday, June 26, 2017

How to clean white shoes

You can’t miss them, because white shoes are everywhere this season. No matter if you are a female fashion blogger, a teenage boy or an 8 year old, chances are you have a pair of white sneakers, heels, sandals or canvas shoes.

But we all know the troubles that come with white – they stay like that for like 30 seconds until the first stain disaster happens. So if you’re not a fan of a white-greyish used look and want to see them shiny and bright again here are some tips to help you clean white shoes:

Magic Erasers

If your shoes are not too dirty overall and just have some stains on the sole or the non-canvas upper try a magic eraser that you can get in the supermarket or hardware store. Wet it a little and wipe away the stains. So easy and so fast!

Dishwashing Soap

Dip a toothbrush or dishwashing brush into a mixture of water and dishwashing soap (a little splash of dishwashing soap will be enough) and move the brush in small circles. Wipe any excess foam or soap away with a damp cloth and let the shoes dry for a couple of hours. They’ll be shiny and new.

Baking Soda

Just add a little baking soda to your dishwasher soap mixture and repeat the steps before. Make sure that baking soda and detergent are mixed in the ratio 1:1. This is kind of a home remedy that lots of mums and grandmas would recommend – and don’t they always know best?


Apply some white toothpaste with an old toothbrush on your shoe and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Wipe any excess toothpaste away with a damp cloth and repeat the steps if necessary.

Watered Down Bleach

Be very careful when using bleach and make sure you use it in a well-ventilated area, wear gloves and protect any materials from getting in contact with the bleach. Use a toothbrush or even a cotton bud, dip it into your bleach-water mixture and brush away any stains. This is a great trick to get rid of yellow staining on rubber soles.

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