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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Calvin Klein

Calvin Klein is the largest shoe manufacturing company in the United States of America. It holds the license of 114 most successful apparel shoes in United States of America. The Calvin Klein Shoes company was established in 1876 where George Henry purchased a share of the company and started his career as a shoemaker and within the very short span of three years he became the sole owner of the company and later changed its name.
Bass started retail business when it acquired a burgess store in the late 1960s which was renamed as Bass Factory Outlet. In the year 2002, it begins a new era when it acquired the Calvin Klein company which is a very strong existing business and a very good and reputed brand which offers incredible and exceptionally good growth potential worldwide. Calvin Klein is the worlds leading shoemaker company which is known for its quality, design and the lifestyle. This is headquartered in New York and carries the operations through out the world. It has good market in the other parts of the world like Asia, third world countries and European countries.

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