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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Shoe For Uneven Terrain

If you’ve ever been trail running before, you know how easy it is for a pair of shoes to let you down. Maybe they’re not secure enough around your feet in order to stay stable. Maybe they can’t handle a little excess moisture. Maybe they slip too easily – and that’s a serious one, because you don’t want to skimp on injury minimization.
The Ahnu’s Woodacre for men is a shoe that looks to fix all of these problems when it comes to being outdoors and on unstable terrain. Ahnu could have produced a shoe that’s easy to ride on treadmills and concrete, but there’s no doubt the Woodacre is a little more ambitious than that. There’s plenty of shock absorption and protection here – you won’t feel small stones, for example – that lets you know Ahnu is serious about making this your go-to pair of shoes for outdoor, unpredictable trails.
A price of $120 is reasonable given the current trail running shoe market, and if you can get enough use out of it, it’s reasonable for this pair of shoes, as well. Considering that the Woodacre is designed to take you a multitude of places, it will really be your responsibility to put this pair of shoes to the test and make sure you get your money’s worth.
Of course, you won’t notice if you’re getting your money’s worth on steady, even terrain, so don’t be afraid to give these shoes what they were designed for – mother nature. Take them out on the trails, test some different terrains, and enjoy yourself. After all, what’s the point of trail running if it just leaves you hating ever having bought trail running shoes? There’s certainly enough protection and padding in this shoe to leave you comfortable after a good run – it will be up to your own motivating forces to make sure the entire run isn’t so comfortable.

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